Tuesday, July 04, 2023

My Bluebirds on the Ground Report

    Hello and happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!  

    I just wanted to share that Annabel kindly invited me to write a guest post on her blog, The Bluebirds are Nesting on the Farm.  She has readers from all over the world, and some have been giving reports of what is going on in their area, as well as preparedness measures they have been taking to stay ahead.  I feel so honored to be able to contribute!  I hope you'll visit her blog and look around.  It is such a wonderful source of homemaking and preparedness encouragement, and I really think Annabel has the ability to turn everything she touches into something beautiful!  

    My post is here.

    I have also added a subscription service to my blog on the sidebar (it can only be seen when viewing "web version") should you like to receive an email alert when I publish a post.  Otherwise, you can follow along through Blogger (also on the sidebar), or you can simply bookmark my blog and visit whenever you like.  All of these options are free for those who want to follow along.  I do appreciate all of my readers and your lovely comments, so thank you!


  1. I enjoyed your post! I hate that you are dealing with illegals there. It had never even occurred to me that you were close enough to have problems.

    1. Thank you, Lana! We are not right on the border but we still have problems. Several years ago, Colton's grandparents had their vehicle stolen right out of their driveway while they were sleeping (where we are living now!). They were trying to escape law enforcement and, of course, plowed through several fences in the process. The problem will only move further and further north if something isn't done.

  2. I enjoyed your Bluebirds report very much and am glad to see that you have a subscription service now. I hope things are going well with your digestive system diet.

    1. Thank you, Patsi! I am moving into phase 2 of the diet this week, and I can say I saw some noticeable changes (positive) in the first phase, so I'm hoping it just keeps getting better. Hopefully the intense cravings for coffee and a brownie (or ice cream, or cake- I'll even go for a dry muffin at this point) go away by the time I finish the program, haha!


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"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Ephesians 4:29