Tuesday, July 18, 2023

How Long Will It Last?

    Many of us like to keep a well-stocked pantry and have a good supply of things we regularly use.  But have you ever wondered just how long that supply will last?  Or maybe you know how long you want your supply to last but aren't sure how much to stock.  For things that get used over a period of time, such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, laundry products, water jugs, and even some foods, you can take the guesswork out by simply marking the date on the packaging the next time you open a new product to use.  Once the product is gone, use that starting date to calculate how long it took you to use it and record it in a journal.  From there, you can figure out how many months' (or years'!) worth of a product you have in your pantry.  Or, if you want to store a year's worth of something, for example, you'll know exactly how much you need to reach that goal. 

    If you are like me, you can also turn this into a challenge.  If it takes you two months to use a bottle of something, see if you can stretch the next bottle to last an extra week.  Writing the date on the bottle will remind you each time you use it to exercise moderation.

    If you record your usage throughout the year, you can also see if your needs change seasonally and adjust from there.  For example, summer might require more laundry if you garden or live in a hot climate.  It does here!  You might go through more dish detergent in the fall and winter months if you do lots of seasonal baking and hosting.

    This is a simple way to tailor your pantry to your own family's size and needs, and I hope it helps you in your preparedness efforts.  Let me know if you think it's something you might try!


  1. This is a wonderful idea. I have done this and yes, I like to see if I can stretch it and make it last longer than the last time.....LOL. Some people like to add water (for example), to their dish detergent, but I find just using less works for me. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thank you, Cindy Jane! Frugal minds think alike ;)

  2. I really love this idea because it goes along with something I've been wanting to do, which is make a list of what supplies I need and how often to buy them. Thanks for the tip :)

    1. I'm glad you found this tip helpful, Debbie! I love the idea of your list.

  3. I love this! I have started doing this with a few things in the pantry, but I need to do this also with our household items. This was a great reminder that I needed!

    1. That's great that you are already doing this with some of your pantry items, Mandy! I'm glad this post was an encouragement. Thank you for sharing!


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