Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

    We've been busy, busy around here! Colton has been on vacation again, as he agreed to trade vacation slots with a co-worker who needed his autumn slot.  It really couldn't have come at a better time, though.  Colton has finished up his school job, so this vacation is a true vacation!

    Well, sort of.  This is the state of my laundry room and two adjoining rooms at the moment:

    Oh, yes.  It's renovation time!  Fun, but also stressful.  It's not stressful for Colton (thankfully I married a level-headed man who doesn't get bent out of shape over paint colors), just me.  I'm so indecisive when it comes to choosing colors and that sort of thing.  I nearly went crazy before I decided to paint the living room white, so you can imagine what starting from scratch is doing to me!  

    Do you remember that part in Pride and Prejudice (1995 film) where Maria is frantically rearranging her trunk for fear that she packed her clothes in a way displeasing to Lady Catherine?  Elizabeth comes in and reassures her, "Maria, this is your trunk. These are your gowns.  You may arrange them in any way you wish.  Lady Catherine will never know."  Well, that's what I keep telling myself about decorating.  This is my house and I can paint it and decorate it in any way I wish.  Lady Catherine will never know.  

    So that is what we've been up to lately.  Colton has been in demo mode and I have been in planning mode.  Rest assured, we do have a basic, foundational plan for the rooms or we wouldn't have ripped the walls off.  I just don't have all the little details sorted out yet.  Progress will be slow, but that's how I prefer it.  It gives me plenty of time to make decisions.

    Oh, and in case you're wondering about my raised beds, they are built, but not filled yet.  Hence, no updates.  Yesterday was 115° and it's not cooling down, so outdoor projects are once again on hold!

    What has everyone else been up to?


  1. Hi, Kelsey!
    I can't wait to see how it will turn up! :)
    Color wise, I always use colours that both my husband and I like, and that are not too tiresome after a while (like reds, yellows, bright orange, etc...).
    I like pastels and I love beiges, and Nuno likes them too, but we also love autumn colours (dark browns, dark reds, dark oranges), so we try to have the lighter colours in the walls and the darker colors as accents (trinkets and decor).
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Paula, I like your method and how you include your husband, as well. It's their home too!
      I am similar and try to go for more neutral colors as a background and add my saturated color through accents. I also try to have an equal balance of masculine and feminine. I may try something a little different for my laundry room though, as the boys don't ever go in there ;)

    2. Well, I think we are decor twins! ;D
      I believe that the house must be decorated within the husband and wife tastes. They both live there and have to feel good there, right?
      I also have some more feminine accents and masculine accents troughout the house. That makes it more balanced!


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"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Ephesians 4:29