Saturday, September 23, 2023

At the Cottage ~ September 23, 2023

    Hello, dear readers!  I do apologize for the unexpected, unannounced blogging break.  It wasn't something I had planned, and it lasted longer than I realized! 

    We are all doing very well.  I just needed some time to get caught up on a few things around the home that needed my undistracted attention.  With various projects going on and new things added to our schedules, I had fallen behind on some of my homemaking tasks.  It feels good to have them done.

    Annabel wrote a post a few weeks ago on stewardship that really struck a chord with me.  I know there are areas in which I need to improve, so these last few weeks I have tried to be very diligent about taking care of what I have.

    I am happy to say that my garden is staying about 95% (totally made up number, but based on my perception) weed- free!  Each morning I am getting out early to tend to this, as well as puttering around and tidying up outside.  Even just little things can become big ones if they are neglected.  I've also been trying to teach the boys good habits by having them put all their outdoor toys away in the shed before we go inside.  I do the same with my tools.

    Before my blogging break, I had cleaned out, organized, and rearranged my freezers.  Now I have done the same with my pantries.  This was a big task, but it looks and functions so much better.  I can easily see what I have and get to what I need.  I am still trying to figure out how I will restock it moving forward in a way that complies with our new healthy eating habits.  I will still have pasta, rice, and other grains on hand for emergency purposes, but those are not foods that are very good for me and eating them comes with not-so-good consequences.  Some food is better than no food, but I'd rather be stocking and eating foods that nourish me, as opposed to making me feel terrible.  Once we have our freeze dryer set up (post renovation), I hope to add lots of dried garden produce to the pantry.

    We have also joined our local homeschool co-op.  I have definitely had to get out of my introverted comfort zone to participate.  At orientation, we all had to go around the room and introduce ourselves to the group and talk about ourselves.  This is a nightmare for an introvert- as soon as I walked in and saw the chairs all placed in a circle, I thought, "Oh no."  But I survived (my heart was racing SO fast, haha)!  And I actually had a lot of fun.  I have since made several friends in the group.  A lot of the moms have gardens, chickens, bees, and other livestock.  Many of them can and preserve food, bake bread (including sourdough), and one even has a freeze dryer!  They are all Christian ladies, as it is a Christian group, so we share a lot of the same values.  I think a lot of us were surprised to have all of these things in common, as I know my interests usually make me the odd one out!  I feel like I have found my people, and my heart is full.  It's funny that I signed up for the kids, but it has been a tremendous blessing for me, too.  Of course, John has loads of fun playing with the other children.  We all meet once a week and really look forward to it.

    Aside from all of this, my regular tasks keep me busy- a good, productive busy.  I am sorry that I don't have many pictures to share - I haven't paused very often this month to take them!

    I do have one, and it is of Ginger "helping" me weed.  I'm sad to say it will be my last one of her, as she has disappeared.  We had a storm several nights ago, and my guess is that she got scared and ran off, as I haven't seen her since.  It saddens me as I got really attached to her.  I know that is part of life in the country- I just wish it wasn't.

    What about you?  What have you been up to this past month?  I'd love to hear!


  1. I am so happy for you finding and joining the homeschool group! Some of our happiest times when they kids were growing up were with our group and so many friendships still survive all these years later. I hope your kitty finds her way home soon. We had one gone for a year and then suddenly there he was one night meowing loudly outside the frint door!

    1. Lana, I think that's wonderful that you still have friendships from your homeschool group. Ours is really proving to be a blessing.
      Your kitty coming back after a year is amazing! Button was gone once for about a month before showing back up. I'd love for Ginger to come back, but with all of the coyotes and owls we have out here, I'd be surprised.

  2. Kelsey, never apologize for taking whatever time away you need to 'look well to the ways of your household.' The running of our homes and caring for our families really must be a priority.

    I remember our homeschool co-op days, I enjoyed them as much as the kids did.

    I hope your cat comes back soon.!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Patsi! I don't like being inconsistent, but that is just the reality of the busy season I am in. 💕

  3. Good for you getting out of your comfort zone with the co-op group. I'm always after I do something similar buuuut, the process can be hard:) I do love an tidy and organized pantry. Makes me smile every time I open the pantry door!:)

    1. I told myself I had to do it for the kids, haha! I ended up enjoying the meeting, but I admit that I felt very drained afterwards.
      Organized spaces feel so fresh, don't they? I love looking at my work after a task like that, too.

  4. Oh, my heart was racing as you described the dreaded circle and introductions! People who make others do that, must be extroverts and have no clue that it puts the fear in us :) Or maybe they do. Either way, I vote name tags and time to visit naturally. And sorry about Ginger! Maybe she will come back. I'm hoping we get a stray cat who wanders up one day. I love cats, but I need one to find us and decide to hang around with no pressure. Glad you're back from your break :)

    1. I vote name tags too, Debbie! I was fine visiting with the mom sitting beside me, but talking to an entire group about myself was terrible! 😅
      I love cats, too. I hope one finds you and decides it belongs with you!


I would love to hear from you! Please keep your comments kind.

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Ephesians 4:29